Bsi 2,097.6 +7.49 +.36%
Now may be a good time to hit your friend who works at Oprah's magazine for a loan. They may have a spare dime -- or 100,000.
Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey has gifted an iPad and $10,000 to each employee of the O magazine to mark the publication's 10th anniversary.'As a thank you for their hard work and dedication, Oprah Winfrey surprised the staff of O, The Oprah Magazine, with an Apple iPad and a cheque for $10,000, to commemorate the magazine's 10th anniversary,' quoted a spokesperson for Winfrey as saying.
What'd your boss do for you?

Kobe Bryant (KB24) 18.75 +4.89 +26.08%
What does winning a fifth title mean to Mamba?..
"I got one more (Championship) than Shaq."
Damn. Dude's an assassin even off the court.

And now THIS MAN has a title. U-S-A! U-S-A!
Shaquille O'Neal (SHQFU) 10.89 -2.97 -21.43%
The Big Aristotle may just now be regretting this little freestyle from a while back.