The unwanted Michael Jackson money grab, er... comeback concerts, sends the Index lower for the day.

Craig Robinson (CROSU) 4.26 +1.98 +46.48%
No, not the super funny guy from The Office and all those Judd Apatow movies.
But the First Brother-In-Law and head coach at Oregon State University who this week who joked on ESPN radio about using the POTUS's influence in recruiting.
"I think the President has the right to call any citizen that he feels like calling any time he wants. I haven't had to use him yet, but I think I ought to petition the NCAA to see what the ruling will be on that before I do it."
Yeah, methinks that might just help recruit a few players to Corvallis.
Black Folk and the Sea (BH2O) 1.29 -.75 -36.76%
If the tragic disappearance at sea of NFL players Corey Smith and Marquis Cooper illustrates one thing, it's that black folk and the sea do not get along.

Perhaps it had something to do with how we got here.

And we don't like camping much either.