The economy is contracting at the worst rate in over 25 years -- still, word that President Obama issued a deadline to end all combat operations in Iraq is news enough to send the Index higher.

Tyler Perry (TPS) 117.39 +12.45 +10.61%
Whether you're into Perry's Medea schtick or not, the man topped $40 million this past weekend -- in the midst of a deep recession. It will be interesting to see what kind of filmmaker Perry evolves into once he realizes he has all the money he could possibly need.

Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money -- No art, but Mo' Money
Quincy Jones (Q) 119.3 -8.29 -6.5%
Jones has had his hands in almost every kind of artistic endeavor known to man -- and succeeded in all of them. And what kind of thanks does he get? He doesn't even make the opening credits of Jamie Foxx's new video for "Blame It"...
...while Ron Howard does.

Yes... THAT Ron Howard. I think we're taking this Obama thing I little too seriously.
Kudos to Howard, though. Who pulls his most surprising move since "Arrested Development".