The week ends on a positive note as the end of the Bush Era draws tantalizing near.

NAACP (NAACP) 31.49 +4.23 +13.43%
By crying racism in the Roland Burris incident the century old organization proved that it can still prey on white guilt -- or at least the Democrats.

Let's see, it went from Blagojevich is a stain on the party to you're a racists if you don't seat his appointment. Way to stay on message Harry.
The Black Community and The Cops 3.91 -.87 -18.2%
We're less than two weeks from inaugurating the country's first black president and innocent, unarmed black men in the country are still being shot by cops.
First there was the shooting of Robbie Tolan, son of former St. Louis Cardinal Bobby Tolan, outside of Houston, TX. Tolan, a promising baseball prospect, was shot by police in his parent's own driveway after being "suspected" of stealing the car he was driving. Then came the January 1 murder of Oscar Grant III in Oakland by transit police.
We can chalk these incidents up to things unlikely to change even with a black guy in the White House.