Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bsi 2,102.3 +5.46 +.26%

Friday the 13th doesn't scare away gains in the market.


Henry Aaron (HA44) 11.32 +4.39 +38.78%

Hammerin' Hank may just find his way back into the record books after word came out that A-Rod, the media-appointed rightful heir to the legitimate home-run crown, has also been ensnarled in the widening steroids scandal.

Remember what I said... I'd like to take all that back.


Chris Brown (CBRN) .47 -7.84% -94.34%

You'd almost have to go back to O.J. to see such an rapid, out-of-nowhere devaluation.

Chris ain't got nothin' on Enron.